Monday, September 30, 2019
The Future of Nursing
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) will have a great effect on nursing. According to this article nursing will have to change it role in the ACA and the three main categories that need to be changed and redeveloped is transforming practice, education and leadership. â€Å"The ACA outlines some new health care arrangements, and with these structures will come new opportunities for new roles. Nurses have the opportunity to play a central role in transforming the health care system to create a more accessible, high-quality, and value-driven environment for patients.If the system is to capitalize on this opportunity, however, the constraints of outdated policies, regulations, and cultural barriers, including those related to scope of practice, will have to be lifted, most notably for advanced practice registered nurses. †(IOM, 2010, p. 85) â€Å"The ACA will place many demands on health professionals. The legislation has begun the long process of shifting the focus of the U. S. health care system away from acute and specialty care. †(IOM, 2010, p.86) â€Å"When the system takes on another additional 32 million people soon to be covered by health insurance under the ACA would receive care in the coming years, it identified as a serious barrier. †(, 2010, p. 96) â€Å"If the United States is to achieve the necessary transformation of its health care system, the evidence points to the importance of relying on nurses in enhanced roles. †(IOM, 2010, pg. 87) This article however complain about number of educational grants and scholarships available and most individuals seek nursing education must finance it themselves.Yes because all college nursing programs are filled every year and cannot support more nursing programs these are filled by the private sector which requires student loans. However there is an abundance of money offered by United States’ government does provide more federal student loans than ever before.â€Å"Stud ent loan debt as of first quarter of 2012 was up to $904 billion which is up $241 Billion form a decade ago and it is said to reach well over trillion dollars by the end of the year. †(American Progress, 2012) â€Å"There is not enough nursing faculty to teach the current number of nursing students, let alone the number of qualified applicants who wish to pursue nursing. †(Allan & Aldebron, 2008, p. 214) â€Å"The ACA and the need for APRNs, nurse faculty, and nurse researchers would have increased dramatically under any scenario. †(L R Cronenwett [RWJF Iniative on the Future of Nursing], 2010, table 1). â€Å"Not only must schools of nursing build their capacity to prepare more students. Nursing need to focus on fundamental improvements in the delivery of nursing care to improve patient safety and quality is key. †(IOM, 2010, p. 208)Those involved in the health care systemâ€â€nurses, physicians, patients, and othersâ€â€play increasingly interdependent roles. Leaders who merely give directions and expect them to be followed will not succeed in this environment. What is needed is a style of leadership that involves working with others as full partners in a context of mutual respect and collaboration (A Pearson, H Laschinger, K Porritt, Z Jordan, D Tucker and L Long [International Journal of Evidence-Based health Care], 2007, p. 224). Looking to the future, nurse leaders will need the skills and knowledge to understand and anticipate population trends. (IOM, 2010, p. 234)In conclusion The Affordable Care Act of 2010 will place many demands on health care professionals, and it will offer many opportunities to create a system that is more patient centered. The will be much focus on these three initial roles practice, education and leadership. We still must remember the system is getting 34 more million people and a push for changing our current system from acute care to a preventive system and this will not happen ov ernight. It is 2014 and most of us still do not know what is in this health care law, how it will affect us and what it will cost us?Let alone what it will take to change practice, education and leadership across the whole country. This undertaking may take decades to implement. We could have only wished this law was written by doctors and nursing professional with details about where and how the system would be changing yet it was written by lawyer, lobbyist and our Congress that was more concerned about pushing it through than reading it. Nursing is definitely going to play a huge role in this transformation and yes the practice, education and leadership is going to be part of the key of getting this done.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Males and Females in Peter Greenaways Films Essay
The following paper gives an overview of the movies of Peter Greenaway along with how he portrays women and men his films. The paper would be based on the roles of men and women in his three movies, drowning by numbers, the belly of an architect and the Draughtsman’s contract. One common aspect that would be discussed in his movies is that the men are usually thought of as victims and the women are presented as the true artistic creators. His Movies: Drowning by Numbers: In opposition to the background of the autumnal Suffolk seashore, three generations of women, each one given the name of Cissie Colpitts, assassinate their not good enough husbands by obscuring them in a bathtub, in the ocean, and in a swimming pool, correspondingly. In arrival for assurance for sexual favoritism, which the women at the end of the day refuse to give, the neighboring coroner, Henry Madgett (Hill), comes in agreement to endorse the casualties as unintentional, even though a minute but steadily-growing swarm of eyewitnesses and associations put stress on him to acquaint with the reality. His juvenile son, Smut, who is preoccupied with casualty and brings together animal and insect dead bodies, furthermore he considers his father must appear spotless. Factual to Madgett’s and the movies fascination with games, he places up a tug-of-war from corner to corner of a waterway to come to a decision to the problem, where he and Smut connect to Cissie in opposition to their hecklers. Greenaway is an often-infuriating, one-of-a-kind filmmaker who repeatedly experiments the staying power of his spectators. A lot of experience it as not significant as the attempt to shape out his difficult to understand games, let unaccompanied their implication, exclusive of a quantity of kinky sex or run through to disappear the procedures. Drowning by Numbers provides up ample of this: a circumcision by clippers, a repeated repulsion for provisions and flesh, and various near-sickening views of decompose and pests. Still, as if paying no attention to the filmmaker’s mysterious propensities, the presentations are ironic, cynical, sardonic and over and over again blackly humorous, and each and every framework is crammed with detail and magnificence. Here was an unprincipled anecdote enlightened ethically, with a tough feminist implicationâ€â€approximately all of the male characters breathe their last breath by means of the unconquerable Cissies’ scheme shimmering, as Greenaway himself has acknowledged that the superior do not obtain content and happiness, and the depraved are infrequently rebuked, and the above suspicion are for all time badly treated. Drowning by Numbers is typically concerning numbers and the means they are employed to systematize the games individuals take part in. Despite the fact that the greater part of the human relations of whichever significance is determined by unstructured requirements, we use up a large amount of our lives demanding to offer them shape. We look for examples and successions, and enjoyment in the psychosomatic language that comes into view to give explanation. We search for regulations and unavoidability, and identify relations as the competition in which people occupy themselves for the reason that these games have both, happiness and contention. Drowning by Numbers is crammed with games: those men engage in recreation with women, women with men, and jump rope, cricket, and some games out of Greenaway’s tremendous sleight of hand. For the most part continuous game is the one Greenaway plays with the spectator. The motion picture starts with a small woman hopping rope as she count from one to one hundred (Peter Greenaway, 100). The Bell of an Architect: In Belly of an Architect, Brian Dennehy plays the central character who considers the main beliefs of structural design will regulate the humankind. He struggles the backstabbing of dishonest classmates and environment’s attrition of both construction and body. Sooner than the film ends, he loses his architectural assignment and is lost to stomach cancer. The screen in Belly is beleaguered with scaffolding, drop fabrics, plaster, powder, and huge degeneration hallways and corridors seeping out with water and sludge, which Greenaway challenges to put together into well-designed symmetries much as his hero attempts to protect the architectural classicisms he stumbles on to be so comforting. Again, the ordering organization contained by the film surrounds it. An immature artiste is constricted to implement twelve illustrations of a sumptuous countryside residence in 17th century England. Drawn into an affectionate and passionate association with the two conniving ladies of the residence he outlines and fabricates illustrated indications of the assassination. He almost immediately discovers himself trapped in the rumble ferociousness of the over sophisticated spirits of the landed upper classes. As all the times, Peter Greenaway provides beautiful and stunning masterpieces that contemplate on the artist’s infatuation for order and the oppression of organizationsâ€â€whether communal or artistic. This untimely Greenaway effort observes unfaithfulness and substantial weakening, all in the perspective of a demanding occupational existence. The cuckold is a renowned American designer, Stourley Kracklite, who goes to Rome to place on a demonstration in reminiscence of his male protagonist, the 18th century farsighted draftsman, Etiene Louis Boullee. Kracklite fails to remember the current to respect the ancient times, but at what cost? He pays no attention to his pregnant wife who searches for soothe in the arms of Kracklite’s opponent. He furthermore takes no notice of his physical condition and is influenced that his stomach’s throbbing are the consequences of his wife’s efforts to exterminate him. The punishment for such fascination is the failure of his presentation the extraordinarily obsession he gave up all other elements of his life to accomplish (Peter Greenaway, 105). The Belly of an Architect is a visual extravagance, approximately deference to the techniques and fashions of Rome’s structural designs, judged with skill, ability, proficiency and crammed with impenetrable and mysterious shades. The Draughtsman’s Contract: Greenaway’s foremost profit-making element, The Draughtsman’s Contract, is the chronicle of a draughtsman who in 1694 is specially made by the woman of an enormous residence to do twelve depictions of her property. At the opening it gives the impression that he’s to a certain extent in command of his lady and background, receiving them together down anywhere he desires them, till his meticulousness does him in. By painstakingly drafting the manor house and foundation, he unintentionally duplicates indications to an assassination. As expected, its perpetrators don’t desire him in the region. The methodical little draughtsman fall’s a victim not to environment’s impulse but to man’s ravenousness and violent behavior (Peter Greenaway, 45). The twelve drawings are at one time the evidences to the massacres and the arrangements of the motion picture. From then on, all noteworthy objects in the motion picture are revolving around the paintings that hold the clues and all the film’s actionâ€â€the drawings and the assassinationsâ€â€must be accomplished by the time movies reaches to its end. This is systematic Greenaway. Human games and their dependence on ritualistic traditions are both the area under discussion of the draughtsman’s contract and its form. As the characters get involve within the findings of the clues and murderer with each other, it brings in the the chaos of passion. Greenaway assembles his schemes and positions according to the murder and clues. The Draughtsman’s Contract is thrice regarding commanding order on disorder, on man’s unreasonable desires and nature’s predictable decompose: first, surrounded by the sequence of events; second in its structural association; and third, in the glance of the screen. Greenaway is an order-and-chaos fanatic (Amy Lawrence, 175). Conclusion: In all the movies of Peter Greenaway discussed above, one thing is very common, that the men are always shown as a powerless creature and the women are always dominating. All the films bring the women as murderers of men. In the majority of his films, Peter Greenaway has at least a suggestion of proposal that the most important rationale of women is to damage men’s lives, typically with the aid of the men in query. More than any of his others, with the probable exclusion of the outstanding â€Å"Drowning By Numbers†, conveys a suggestion to the front, by using it as a primary message, rather than as an indication of the disentanglement of the plot. Unluckily, perhaps due to this approach, there are not a lot of subplots there, and therefore, the movie needs somewhat in difficulty, in contrast with some of his previous work. The Draughts men’s Contract came into view like a touching work of art with bright color and dazzling imagery. Though all are great movies, their schemes can be puzzling with the need of familiar dialogue and character progress. Greenaway movies are compactly and tightly weighed down with figure of speech and satisfied with metaphors, and are required to be moved towards accordingly, not with the similar state of mind that one would come close to a distinctive Hollywood motion picture, for an instance. Possibly furthermore supportive is a quotation from Greenaway himself: â€Å"If you want to tell stories, be a writer, not a filmmaker.†(IMDB, Pp1) References: Greenaway, Peter. 2001. The Draughtsman’s Contract: The Draughtsman’s Contract. Published by Distributed Art Pub, Pp 45 Greenaway, Peter. 1998. Drowning by Numbers. Published by Dis Voir, Pp 100 Greenaway, Peter. 1988. The Belly of an Architect. Published by Faber, Pp 105 Lawrence, Amy. 1997. The films of Peter Greenaway. Published by CUP Archive, Pp 175 The Internet Movie Database (IMDB), Biography for Peter Greenaway. (2008)Retrieved on 24th March ’09 from http://www. imdb. com/name/nm0000425/bio
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Modern Alterations of Native American Life
Modern Native American life has changed drastically from that of what it used to be. One can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welch's book, Fool's Crow, one not only learns what the Western United States was like in the late 1800s, but can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the average Indian boy of his day was like. He had strong family values, faithful religious beliefs, and knew his direction in life. Unfortunately this is not so true for most Native Americans of today. Many current Indians are suffering from poor family structure, lack of education, and loss of religious beliefs. Family structure was one of the most important aspects of life for Native Americans of the 1800s. Back then there was almost no difference between an Indian man or woman's fifth cousins and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any, and many young Native Americans don't even have contact with there grandparents and other extended family. In Fools Crow's generation it was very common to often have ceremonies where all members of a family were expected to attend, whether they were a grandparent or a brother. This failure of family structure in modern Indians has caused many individuals to lack security and subsidity. Education is a problem among Native Americans as well. It used to be that when a young Native American turned a certain age it was his or her duty to learn the ways of survival. For boys it was hunting and learning to provide for his future family. For the women it was learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific duty in order to prosper individually, and as a tribe or band. But now education is substantially different. It still focuses on the essentials for survival and the need for one to prosper as an individual, but it lacks what white people are learning. Teachers on reservations are often the product of poor education themselves, and have nothing to offer young Native Americans. One of the most prominent problems, however, is that reservations can't afford to hire quality teachers to educate their children. Thus, there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, and most important, aspect for a specific group of people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there was religion. For most people, religion is the glue that holds their life together. It helps to provide purpose and meaning to all life. Native Americans of the 1800s, and before then, held very strongly to their beliefs. Religion was in everything they did. Whether it was planting crops or going on a big hunt, religion was the key to it. But now the Native American's religious beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of today's Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what their purpose in life is and they often lack moral responsibility as well. The key to possibly fixing this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then. With some good leadership skills and a lot of enlightening, maybe the old Indian religion will be fully restored to what it once was. In conclusion, Native American culture is rapidly being destroyed. Modern Native Americans have lost what it takes to keep a culture alive; religion, structure, and education. If Native Americans are once again going to flourish as a ethnic society, people need to do whatever they can to help build back the essential parts of Native American life.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Indiscriminate Nature of Cancer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Indiscriminate Nature of Cancer - Case Study Example The WHO and The Pfizer Medical officers held their research from different perspectives of age, one at a tender age, and the other at his sunset days. For instance, Mariam’s case explains why the failure of people to make use of the available knowledge about chronic disease prevention and control mechanism continues to endanger the future generations (Redman, 2007). Mariam case exemplifies the culture shock, most impounding on the poor majority of the global community. The Sridhar’s case is a cancer condition brought by his way of living. Having chewed tobacco and drank heavily since his youthful days, this lifestyle has deteriorated his respiratory and blood systems resulting in cancer. Since cancer continues to endanger people’s lives through such lifestyles, the main issue lies in having enough knowledge and awareness or resources, like Mariam’s problem, to prevent the spread of cancer (Ray, 2005). Studies done in India to examine the percentage of elde rly people at risk of having cancer or already battling with it indicates that 2.3 percent is battling with cancer while 4.5 percent risks being victims due to their lifestyle (Weisman, 2002). In Tanzania, the researcher also found that the younger generation born of able families, despite their lavish and uncontrolled feeding habits had a1.9 percent chances of having cancer. In addition, children from poverty-stricken families have uncontrolled eating habits yet cannot afford reasonable medical cover, hence 5 percent of them are more susceptible to cancer at tender ages of 14-25 years (Mukherjee, 2010). The WHO and The Pfizer Medical researchers separated the two cases in order to highlight their assessment. The most important issue that the group had in place was to disseminate the knowledge in understanding what cancer was. By making cancer more realistic to the youthful generation, not only in India but also in Tanzania, the group thought this would alter the resultant effects of cancer in old days because of unreasonable living (Ray, 2005). Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Contemporary hospitality managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Contemporary hospitality managment - Essay Example Regardless f the size, type or duration f a project, a good plan will you from beginning to end and it will help increase the likelihood that your project will be successfully managed and completed. "Planning is the process f establishing aims and objectives and choosing a course f action to ensure that they are achieved. This process serves to bridge the gap between where an organisation currently is and where it would like to be." (Tiernan, 2001: 117) But, as Firth's model says, planning cannot be seen as independent part f management. Firth likened the relationship between planning and control to a pair f scissors - the scissors cannot work unless there are two blades. "The control process involves measuring progress towards planned performance and, where necessary, applying corrective measures so that performance can be improved. Therefore, control is concerned with making sure that goals and objectives are attained. It is strongly related to planning in that for control to occur objectives and plans have to be available against which to measure performance. Similarly, planning cannot function effectively if there are no control mechanisms to correct deviations from plans." (Tiernan, 2001: 289) In Hallam Hotel case, as planning is a basic element involved in getting the proper output f an operation, it needs to be discussed and explained in depth. Here I will observe a brief structural analysis f planning as regards the hotel management aspect. There are three main types f planning: 1. Strategic planning involves issues f strategic direction and normally takes place at the top level f organisation. Strategic planning is usually used for a long - term orientation s basic mission establishing organisational, standards and objectives. For the Hilton Group, where I am currently employed, the main strategic direction would be spreading, increasing and multiplying the number f hotels over a specific timeframe e.g. Hilton Airport under construction on Malahide road. As an example f planning organisational standards and objectives I would call the decision f top management f Hilton Group to divide the Hilton hotels into two categories: "premium" and "select" where each f them is getting its own standards. 2. Tactical planning focuses on the current operations f the various parts f the organisation and has a medium - term orientation. This type f planning takes place at middle - management level. It serves for formulating tactical plans (which are strongly related to strategic plans) to achieve strategic objectives and outlining roles and responsibilities to meet specific targets. An example f tactical planning would be interpreting a plan to divide Hilton hotels into two categories taken by top management f Hilton Group that I can observe in Hilton Dublin. When Hilton Dublin was awarded with "premium" category our General Manager was given a list f specific standards to be achieved. As a result f outlining roles and responsibilities each department got its own tasks to be done by certain
Children's Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Children's Literature - Essay Example Artwork plays a bigger role in books targeting young readers who have raw minds and are enthralled by colorful depiction of different situations in a story. There have not always been separate storybooks for children rather many books told stories that continued to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. In such case the boundary line separating children books from adult books becomes difficult to identify. This essay will discuss on what grounds books for children and adults differ from each other, does any clear boundary line exist between books targeting these two entirely different groups of readers, and in which cases the group targeted by author and marketers becomes difficult to identify. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a globally acclaimed children storybook written by J.K.Rowlings but it is widely suggested that the book was and is still enjoyed by staggering numbers of children and adults alike. Belonging to the fantasy genre, it is basically based on wi tchcraft but not in a condemned and bloodcurdling manner rather throughout the series story is told in a highly amusing and entertaining way. One element sufficiently suggestive of Harry Potter being a children series is that Rowlings frequently includes myriad events which cannot practically happen in our real lives like broomsticks smoothly flying in the air like mini jets and transparent ghosts floating in thin air casually conversing with random people. An ordinary cap capable of deciding fates of several eleven year olds during the opening ceremony and food trays automatically re-filling themselves are also incidents strongly suggestive of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone being a children storybook not meant to be appropriate reading material for adults which is true to some extent given the heavy use of fantastical elements. But the larger picture suggests that this book authored by Rowlings could
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Filmmaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Filmmaking - Essay Example Since the producer is the one who spends money for film production, he decides how much money is needed for the project. He will usually discuss it with the director. The director is the one who decides the actors, technicians, locations needed for the film he directs. Usually he discuss these matters with the producer. The director creates a rough idea in his mind about how the film is going to be pictured. He will discuss those ideas with the actors and other concerned technicians like cameraman, make up man etc. The director decides â€Å"Which way an actor looks, or which side of the camera he exits or enters, how the comedy and serious scenes pictured, when slow motion is required, how the actors should deliver the dialogue etc (Marshall). In short, film director decides how all the technicians taking part in the film function. It is difficult to produce good quality films using normal video cameras. An HD video camera with a wider aspect ratio of 16:9(wide screen) is necessary for making films in digital formats. The resolution should be greater than 1090 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high (What Camera To Use For Filmmaking). Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony etc are some of the prominent companies which make movie cameras. Digital cameras are used extensively nowadays in film shooting. Digital cameras use video tape, hard disk or flash memory for recording digital data. Digital data can be edited or modified easily compared to other data and that is why modern cinematographers use digital camera for the shooting purposes. â€Å"Paranormal Activity†is the movie which got highest bookings in last week. Its weakened gross revenue is $ 29003900. (U.S. and Canada Box Office). The world famous Hollywood is located in Los-Angeles. The history of film making in Hollywood was started in 1886 â€Å"when Landowners Harvey & Daeida Henderson Wilcox name their ranch Hollywood after Daeida met a woman in Ohio whose country house was
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Problem-solving tools and techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem-solving tools and techniques - Essay Example For example a son desires to search out an extraordinary present for his grand parents 25th anniversary, but he doesn’t have knowledge of what would suit the best. He brainstorms many gift suggestions to choose a gift that would explain his parents that how much they value for him. Benchmarking is the procedure of deciding who is the most excellent, who places the standard, and what that standard is. For example: In cricket, the victory in five successive World Cup finals declared Australia the benchmark. Groupthink describes one process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to match up his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group Groupthink, a name created by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), takes place when a group takes flawed decisions for the reason that group strains escorts to a deterioration of â€Å"mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment†(p. 9). Nominal group technique (NGT) is a prearranged technique for group brainstorming that supports offerings from every person of the group. For example a group of bankers functioning on improving a management account has a clearly organized work manner, and therefore use NGT instead of Brainstorming to come up with the correct format. Intuition is the capability to acquire a logic, image or sense regarding somebody or something. Intuition communicates by signs, thoughts and sentiments. Intuition is present in everyone since his/her birth. For instance, you can be a fine author, excellent listener, observant, imaginative, responsive, high flier and cultured. You may have a leadership quality ad you may have a quality to take a right decision on a right time. These things are God gifted and help you make
Monday, September 23, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 89
Assignment Example To be a project manager and utilize my abilities in a reputable organization that will enable me learn, grow and further my skills and knowledge in Engineering, Business, and Management. I anticipate this to happen in the next two years and develop my credentials to contribute positively in the expansion and prosperity of the firm. The goal is essential in the timely realization of my dreams, goals and ambitions in being a successful corporate executive in the energy management multinational. In addition, it will help me launch my consultancy business in matters of energy efficiency and project management in engineering. To successfully achieve all this, it is important to aggressively acquire the necessary skills within the shortest time possible. A reputable company is preferred because it exposes a person to world class management techniques and requisite development networks. I will institute a workable self-evaluation tactic. The continuous self-assessment will be made within a three-month cycle. I will put down every milestone, progress; a new skill acquired, networks developed. If it is done for the first two cycles totaling six months, a reliable pattern will be noticed. Therefore, if there is an unusual occurrence in the subsequent months, then a corrective step will be taken appropriately. When I have a progressive promotion and create resourceful contacts into my network, my goal will be achieved. If none of the above happens, I shall not have achieved my
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Amsterdam Company Essay Example for Free
Amsterdam Company Essay Question 2 Presented below is information related to Rembrandt Inc.s inventory. (per unit)SkisBootsParkas Historical Cost273.79152.7576.37 Selling Price312.70208.95106.27 Cost to distribute27.3811.533.60 Current replacement cost292.52151.3173.49 Normal profit margin46.1141.7930.62 Determine the following: Question 3 Matlock Company uses a perpetual inventory system. Its beginning inventory consists of 67 units that cost $40 each. During June, the company purchased 202 units at $40 each, returned 8 units for credit, and sold 168 units at $67 each. Journalize the June transactions. Question 4 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 700 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the average cost method. Question 5 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 600 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the FIFO method. Question 6 (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost Inventory) Esplanade Company was formed on December 1, 2011. The following information is available from Esplanades inventory records for Product BAP. PurchasesUnitsUnit Cost January 1, 2012(beginning inventory)7628.00 January 5, 20121,5249.00 January 25, 20121,65110.00 February 16, 20121,06111.00 March 26, 201276212.00 A physical inventory on March 31, 2012, shows 2,032 units on hand. Prepare schedules to compute the ending inventory at March 31, 2012, under each of the following inventory methods. Assume Esplanade Company uses the periodic inventory method. Question 7 Floyd Corporation has the following four items in its ending inventory. Determine the final lower of cost or market inventory value for each item. Question 8 Kumar Inc. uses a perpetual inventory system. At January 1, 2013, inventory was $320,786 at both cost and market value. At December 31, 2013, the inventory was $428,714 at cost and $403,231 at market value. Prepare the necessary December 31 entry under: Question 9 Boyne Inc. had beginning inventory of $15,000 at cost and $25,000 at retail. Net purchases were $150,000 at cost and $212,500 at retail. Net markups were $12,500; net markdowns were $8,750; and sales were $196,250. Compute ending inventory at cost using the conventional retail method. Question 10 (Gross Profit Method) Astaire Company uses the gross profit method to estimate inventory for monthly reporting purposes. Presented below is information for the month of May. Question 11 Previn Brothers Inc. purchased land at a price of $30,400. Closing costs were $1,820. An old building was removed at a cost of $14,850. What amount should be recorded as the cost of the land? Question 12 Garcia Corporation purchased a truck by issuing an $108,000, 4-year, zero-interest-bearing note to Equinox Inc. The market rate of interest for obligations of this nature is 10%. Prepare the journal entry to record the purchase of this truck. Question 13 Mohave Inc. purchased land, building, and equipment from Laguna Corporation for a cash payment of $352,800. The estimated fair values of the assets are land $67,200, building $246,400, and equipment $89,600. At what amounts should each of the three assets be recorded? Question 14 Fielder Company obtained land by issuing 2,000 shares of its $12 par value common stock. The land was recently appraised at $103,700. The common stock is actively traded at $50 per share. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the land. Question 15 Navajo Corporation traded a used truck (cost $23,600, accumulated depreciation $21,240) for a small computer worth $4,366. Navajo also paid $1,180 in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 16 Mehta Company traded a used welding machine (cost $10,080, accumulated depreciation $3,360) for office equipment with an estimated fair value of $5,600. Mehta also paid $3,360 cash in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 17 Depreciation is normally computed on the basis of the nearest A). full month and to the nearest dollar. B). day and to the nearest cent. C). day and to the nearest dollar. D). full month and to the nearest cent. Question 18 Fernandez Corporation purchased a truck at the beginning of 2012 for $54,180. The truck is estimated to have a salvage value of $2,580 and a useful life of 206,400 miles. It was driven 29,670 miles in 2012 and 39,990 miles in 2013. Compute depreciation expense for 2012 and 2013. Question 19 Lockhard Company purchased machinery on January 1, 2012, for $79,200. The machinery is estimated to have a salvage value of $7,920 after a useful life of 8 years. (a) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method. (b) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method assuming the machinery was purchased on October 1, 2012. Question 20 Jurassic Company owns machinery that cost $1,145,700 and has accumulated depreciation of $458,280. The expected future net cash flows from the use of the asset are expected to be $636,500. The fair value of the equipment is $509,200. Prepare the journal entry, if any, to record the impairment loss. Question 21 Everly Corporation acquires a coal mine at a cost of $501,600. Intangible development costs total $125,400. After extraction has occurred, Everly must restore the property (estimated fair value of the obligation is $100,320), after which it can be sold for $200,640. Everly estimates that 5,016 tons of coal can be extracted. If 878 tons are extracted the first year, prepare the journal entry to record depletion. Question 22 Francis Corporation purchased an asset at a cost of $58,200 on March 1, 2012. The asset has a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $5,820. For tax purposes, the MACRS class life is 5 years. Compute tax depreciation for each year 2012–2017. Question 23 Celine Dion Corporation purchases a patent from Salmon Company on January 1, 2012, for $50,820. The patent has a remaining legal life of 16 years. Celine Dion feels the patent will be useful for 10 years. Prepare Celine Dions journal entries to record the purchase of the patent and 2012 amortization. Question 24 Karen Austin Corporation has capitalized software costs of $768,500, and sales of this product the first year totaled $390,630. Karen Austin anticipates earning $911,470 in additional future revenues from this product, which is estimated to have an economic life of 4 years. Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year. (a) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the percent of revenue approach. (b) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the straight-line approach. Question 25 Jeff Beck is a farmer who owns land which borders on the right-of-way of the Northern Railroad. On August 10, 2012, due to the admitted negligence of the Railroad, hay on the farm was set on fire and burned. Beck had had a dispute with the Railroad for several years concerning the ownership of a small parcel of land. The representative of the Railroad has offered to assign any rights which the Railroad may have in the land to Beck in exchange for a release of his right to reimbursement for the loss he has sustained from the fire. Beck appears inclined to accept the Railroads offer. The Railroads 2012 financial statements should include the following related to the incident: A). recognition of a loss only. B). creation of a liability only. C). disclosure in note form only. D). recognition of a loss and creation of a liability for the value of the land. Question 26 Roley Corporation uses a periodic inventory system and the gross method of accounting for purchase discounts. On July 1, Roley purchased $66,000 of inventory, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. Roley paid freight costs of $1,210. On July 3, Roley returned damaged goods and received credit of $6,600. On July 10, Roley paid for the goods. Prepare all necessary journal entries for Roley. Question 27 Takemoto Corporation borrowed $93,000 on November 1, 2012, by signing a $95,093, 3-month, zero-interest-bearing note. Prepare Takemotos November 1, 2012, entry; the December 31, 2012, annual adjusting entry; and the February 1, 2013, entry. (For multiple debit/credit en tries, list amounts from largest to smallest, e.g. 10, 8, 6. Round all answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 11,150.) Question 28 Whiteside Corporation issues $629,000 of 9% bonds, due in 14 years, with interest payable semiannually. At the time of issue, the annual market rate for such bonds is 10%. Compute the issue price of the bonds.(Use the present value tables in the text. Question 29 Indiana Jones Company enters into a 6-year lease of equipment on January 1, 2012, which requires 6 annual payments of $37,560 each, beginning January 1, 2012. In addition, the lessee guarantees a residual value of $20,870 at lease-end. The equipment has a useful life of 6 years. Assume that for Lost Ark Company, the lessor, collectibility is reasonably predictable, there are no important uncertainties concerning costs, and the carrying amount of the machinery is $191,722. Prepare Lost Arks January 1, 2012, journal entries. Question 30 On January 1, 2012, Irwin Animation sold a truck to Peete Finance for $26,050 and immediately leased it back. The truck was carried on Irwins books at $20,800. The term of the lease is 5 years, and title transfers to Irwin at lease-end. The lease requires five equal rental payments of $7,048 at the end of each year. The appropriate rate of interest is 11%, and the truck has a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. Prepare Irwins 2012 journal entries.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Healthcare Delivery System Nursing Essay
The Healthcare Delivery System Nursing Essay What does it mean to be a leader. According to Forbes Magazine, a leader is someone that isnt afraid to take the initiative to act. A leader is not only there during good times, but also in times of need and hardship. Whenever there are big changes that must take place, a leader is never afraid and instead will look at this as an opportunity to improve the old ways. There are many challenges a leader must face, especially in healthcare. Being ready and having contingency plans for every possible situation is what can set apart a leader from the rest. The Healthcare Delivery System The health care delivery system or simply health system is a combination people, health care organizations, and all their resources that aim to deliver professional quality care to different target population (Hackbarth, 2009). According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on their consensus report, the health care delivery system will need to achieve better performance on the following six dimensions to be improved: Safety Avoid doing harm to patients. Effectiveness Use of evidenced-base practice instead of unproven methods. Patient-centeredness Respect and involve patients in their care. Timeliness Treatment given without delays. Efficiency Maximizing results with lowest required resources. Equity Equality of all people in receiving health care. (, 2008) The nurse leader can use the previous six dimensions defined by IOM as a guideline in times of change to reform the healthcare delivery system for the better. Leaders versus Managers Managers can be leaders but not all leaders can be managers. A person can become a leader based on personality, knowledge, and expertise. A manager is often a position given by a higher authority. Since it is a position that is assigned, it is more stable while being a leader is often only temporary. The main concern of a manager is the goal of the company or the organization. The leaders main concern is the satisfaction and goals of group members. A leader doesnt need to have a managerial position to be able to act as a leader. In contrast, a manager often requires leadership traits to function as a good manager (Finkelman, 2011). Transformational Leadership The idea behind transformational leadership is to create a leader that can easily adapt to changes and also empower the staff at the same time. This type of leader goes beyond just teaching staff of their role within the organization, but also able to influence others to be independent of their own thinking on how to further improve the organization to the extent of even taking risks (Finkelman, 2011). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends five core health care profession competencies to use as a framework to focus on improving care. They are as follows: Care is focused on the patient Collaborate with other academic disciplines teams Use of evidenced-based practice Improve quality application Use of informatics (Finkelman, 2011) With so many changes that need to take place on these five core health profession competencies to improve health care, a transformational leader will indeed be required since such a leader should have an easier time adapting to change. This leader will need to show exceptional knowledge in these areas and be able to apply that knowledge on his practice while empowering others. Even a transformational leader has its flaws. If such a leader proves to be unsuccessful, it is usually due to one or more of the following errors: Lack of sense of urgency Lack of a guiding coalition Lack of a vision Lack of communication about the vision Lack of removals of barriers to the vision Lack of systematic planning Declaring a victory to soon Lack of recognition of organization culture (Finkelman, 2011) There are different ways a transformational leader can overcome these errors. For the lack of sense of urgency, a leader needs to have a strong determination to complete the tasks required to finish the job in time. It doesnt matter how small a step must be taken as long as it leads to moving forward as soon as possible (Kotter, 2008). Lack of a guiding coalition can be resolved by acquiring more information that can be used to set the correct course of action. This can be done by the leader by gathering his team and discussing his findings and plans for the change. The leader should also prepare plans on how to handle communication barriers such as lack of vision, systematic planning, and communication. This plan can involve creating a focus group that will enable team members to voice their opinions and concerns as well as their achievements. This can also be an opportunity to share ideas on how to improve. Using questions that provoke honest answers that can also be used to evalua te how the team feels. No matter how sure a leader is, declaring a victory to soon should be shunned upon. It might raise the morale of the people but the aftereffects of failure or loss will be much more devastating compared to not declaring victory too early. A smart leader will be patient and will avoid making claims without backing it up. Finally, lack of recognition by the organization to its people or employees could cause feeling of un-appreciation-that no matter how much hard a person work, his achievements will never be recognized. One way to solve this by the leader is to form some sort of award system that will recognize employees that excelled in their field. This could be a monthly thing such as an employee of the month award or something especial like recognition award of how an employee excelled on something that benefited the organization. Whatever the case may be, its a good idea to reward employees that do well. This doesnt only keep their morale high but also make s them feel appreciated and important which often result in more productivity at work (, 2011). Competencies of an Effective Leader The two most important competencies I have selected for an effective leader are as follows: Work in interdisciplinary teams Utilizing Informatics The other competencies are also important but both of the above are increasingly becoming more so in our current and most likely future health care system. The health field is composed of several interdisciplinary sciences that each having their own expertise. A kind of leader that doesnt limit himself to one branch of health care and is willing to collaborate with other professionals is not only wise but puts the leader in a great advantage especially because of the information he can utilize in making good decisions. In my own opinion, being able to know where to get information on how to accomplish what is intended is usually a better trait than trying to shoulder it all. Along with utilizing information is informatics-a field in science where information is processed, managed, and retrieved mostly by the use of computers. An example of this is the Health Information Technology (HIT) that will be critical in implementing this system of managing health care delivery (RWJ Foundation, 2011). With the advancement in technology for the past 10 years, it will be unwise for any leader not to learn and take advantage of information technology. Even nursing has a new field now called nursing informatics where nursing and computer science meets. Informatics has become relevant to nursing now more than ever. Almost every information known to man are now is being computerized and stored in big computer databases. Even in hospitals, from MARs to TARs, to patient records, discharge plans, care plans, etc. all are being automated and stored in computers. Hospitals everywhere and even other companies have a motto of going paperless in the future. It will be obvious t o any effective and competent nurse leader that learning informatics is a necessity (Salsali, 2010). There was a study done in Ireland to find out leadership development needs. The study is done on nurses and midwives back in 2009 using a random sample of over 2000 all across different departments and divisions. The purpose of the study is to describe the clinical leadership of these nurses. The leadership needs was measured using a questionnaire called CLAN-Q or Clinical Leadership Analysis of Need Questionnaire that was developed by the people conducting the research. According to CLAN-Q results, there are five main areas of clinical development needs for a leader and they are as follows: Managing the clinical area Managing patient care Developing oneself as an individual Developing the profession Skills for clinical leadership Obviously, a nurse leader needs to learn how to manage the clinical area. This can involve coordinating care and identifying care priorities. Being a patient advocate and protecting their privacy falls down to managing patient care. A nurse leader should also be aware of his/her limits by knowing his/her own strength and weaknesses developing into a better individual. Participating in professional gatherings or seminars relating to ones own profession can also further develop it. Lastly, empowering others and learning how to adapt to changes are necessary skills for a leader (Casey, 2012). I believe including the above five areas in manager and leadership development programs will prepare them better in becoming good managers and leaders. Summary Being a manager or a leader is not an easy task. Not only there are so many things a manager or leader should learn, but also there are a lot that they have to teach others. There are types of leaders that can be good in one department but not so much on others. There are also errors or mistakes a leader can make. But no matter what kind of leader or manager a person is, learning from past mistakes and pursuing for improvement are qualities not only ideal for leaders and managers, but also to an individual.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Traffic of Human Beings Phenomenon :: essays research papers fc
The traffic of human beings is a global phenomenon that refers to all ages and sexes, but a large part of the persons implicated in the traffic with human beings is women and children. That is why the specific aspects of the person’s gender and children’s vulnerability should be considered. The victims are trafficked through numerous means of coercion or methods of hoaxing for countless abusive and exploitation scopes. It has been observed that the majority of the victims traded from Eastern to Central and Western Europe and also to North America and Asia, are women trafficked for forced prostitution. Although due to the surreptitious character of this crime, any available statistic or data does not denote the real state of the things. The traffic in purposes other than prostitution, such as forced marriages and forced labour etc, does not attract enough attention of the law organs; therefore the capacity of the victims to get help is limited. The politics and the laws of many countries have the tendency to reduce the possibility of taking some complex measures on the matter of the problem of traffic with intent of forced prostitution. Although, in the last decade, within the framework of international debates and especially in the contents of UN documents, has appeared a certainty that the purposes for which the human beings are trafficked and the modalities in which it is done are different and permanently changing, the base elements of this type of traffic remain the same. Thus, a common accord which regards the definition of traffic, including both the one with women and with men with whatever abusive and enforced purpose, was arrived at. The first international definition of the human beings’ traffic was elaborated within the UN Convention against trans-national organized crime; the prevention, suppression and sanction of traffic with persons (especially women and children) protocol was adopted by the General Assembly in November 2000. This document will offer a standard description of the characteristics of the traffic with human beings followed by general conclusions for prevention and control of this crime. Also, this will present, as was said before, the statutory definition of the traffic with human beings established at the UN Convention against trans-national organized crime. The state provisions regulated by this Protocol will be highlighted as will follow. As it concerns these provisions and general conclusions, I will revise and comment the Law Project regarding the commanding of the Penal Code of Republic of Moldova concerning the illegal traffic with human beings.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana :: Marijuana Illegal Drugs Weed Essays, hemp
Abraham Lincoln once stated that, â€Å"Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes†¦ A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.†In today’s society, this statement still applies in reference to the illegal use of marijuana. Marijuana prohibition causes far more harm than marijuana itself. Keeping marijuana illegal is expensive and causes crime. Out of four possible connections between drugs and crime, at least three would not exist if drug prohibition laws were repealed. First, crimes which occur billions of times a year are producing, selling, buying, and consuming strictly controlled and banned substances. If drug prohibition laws were repealed, these activities would obviously cease to be crimes. Next, many users commit crimes, such as robbery, dealing, prostitution, and running numbers to earn money to support their habits. If marijuana was less expensive and easier to obtain, which would be the case if it were legalized, the crimes committed under these circumstances would dramatically decline. The third drug-crime link I drug trafficking. Without prohibition laws, those people trying to make a living by selling and distribution would not be thrown in jail. Support for legalizing marijuana is at its highest level in 30 years, according to the USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll. Since 1996, voters in eight states have passed initiatives supporting marijuana for medical purposes at least. Polls show more than 70% of voters support medical marijuana. Polls in Canada and England show half the population now supports legalization. The USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll found support for legalization â€Å"highest among 18 to 49 year olds, people in the West, and independent voters. Opposition was greatest among the elderly, those who attend church weekly, and Republicans.†Those people generally do not accept change or want anything to be different. Marijuana should be legalized, if not completely then at least for medicinal purposes. Many argue that legalizing marijuana allows anyone to grow, smoke, and use the herb. The Lakeland Pol ice Department calls marijuana â€Å"a psychoactive drug which increases anxiety, depression, paranoia, delusion, lack of motivation, aggression, risky behavior, and depersonalization†(Marijuana Legalization Issues 1). Opposers of legalization say that marijuana can cause physical harm if ingested in great amounts for a long enough time. They argue that passing an amendment to legalize marijuana under the pretense of medicinal purposes gives all people, including children, felons, and prison inmates, a constitutional right to grow and smoke it for a headache, cold, or any other common ailment.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Postmodernism and the Fundamentalist Revival Essay -- Postmodernism
Postmodernism and the Fundamentalist Revival          For contemporary Westernâ€â€particularly Americanâ€â€thought, there have been two prevailing theories, at polar ends of the spectrum. There is the belief that there are absolute ethical forces, and there is the belief that there are no set standards of judgment. Both of these views seem extreme, attacking our sense of modernity and our sense of personal values. Consequently, most people find their place somewhere moderately between the two. As between belief and unbelief there is agnosticism, or between moralism and immoralism there is amoralism, between the belief in standards and the belief in no standards there is postmodernism.  Postmodernism places at its core that there is no unified theory or objective standard by which to judge every thing that is and that â€Å"there can be no independent standard for determining which of many rival interpretations [†¦] is the right one†(Fish).  Postmodernists th us assign the label â€Å"opinion†to most qualitative concepts: a belief in an afterlife, bagels, and international politics cannot be judged on the same scale. This is very egalitarian, allowing people to have personal beliefs while not necessarily bothering others with them. Even in light of the fundamentalist wave that crashed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, postmodernism, the central philosophy of contemporary America, has withstood the test of time. As a form of thinking, postmodernism has had an easy existence in the latter half of the 20th century. After World War II, the only conflicts we have had either involved bloodless politics (the Watergate scandal), isolated events (the Cuban missile crisis), or ideological disputes (Korean and Vietnam... theories, was strong enough (or possibly flimsy enough) to withstand a new fundamentalist revival. The belief in polar rights and wrongs is stronger now, after the attacks, but postmodernism’s invulnerability does not mean that it is incorruptible to these polar beliefs. A new philosophy that incorporates both of these ideas may soon emerge, seeking to pacify opponents of each, and, even if it succeeds, such a ideological fusion would be born in postmodernism, in the belief that this idea of standards and measurements cannot be completely disproven. Sources Cited Fish, Stanley. â€Å"Condemnation Without Absolutes.† New York Times. A19. 15 Oct. 2001 Halliday, Fred. Two Hours that Shook the World. London: Saqi Books, 2002 Rothstein, Edward. â€Å"Attacks on U.S. Challenge the Perspectives of Postmodern True Believers.† New York Times. A17. 22 Sep. 2001. Postmodernism and the Fundamentalist Revival Essay -- Postmodernism Postmodernism and the Fundamentalist Revival          For contemporary Westernâ€â€particularly Americanâ€â€thought, there have been two prevailing theories, at polar ends of the spectrum. There is the belief that there are absolute ethical forces, and there is the belief that there are no set standards of judgment. Both of these views seem extreme, attacking our sense of modernity and our sense of personal values. Consequently, most people find their place somewhere moderately between the two. As between belief and unbelief there is agnosticism, or between moralism and immoralism there is amoralism, between the belief in standards and the belief in no standards there is postmodernism.  Postmodernism places at its core that there is no unified theory or objective standard by which to judge every thing that is and that â€Å"there can be no independent standard for determining which of many rival interpretations [†¦] is the right one†(Fish).  Postmodernists th us assign the label â€Å"opinion†to most qualitative concepts: a belief in an afterlife, bagels, and international politics cannot be judged on the same scale. This is very egalitarian, allowing people to have personal beliefs while not necessarily bothering others with them. Even in light of the fundamentalist wave that crashed after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, postmodernism, the central philosophy of contemporary America, has withstood the test of time. As a form of thinking, postmodernism has had an easy existence in the latter half of the 20th century. After World War II, the only conflicts we have had either involved bloodless politics (the Watergate scandal), isolated events (the Cuban missile crisis), or ideological disputes (Korean and Vietnam... theories, was strong enough (or possibly flimsy enough) to withstand a new fundamentalist revival. The belief in polar rights and wrongs is stronger now, after the attacks, but postmodernism’s invulnerability does not mean that it is incorruptible to these polar beliefs. A new philosophy that incorporates both of these ideas may soon emerge, seeking to pacify opponents of each, and, even if it succeeds, such a ideological fusion would be born in postmodernism, in the belief that this idea of standards and measurements cannot be completely disproven. Sources Cited Fish, Stanley. â€Å"Condemnation Without Absolutes.† New York Times. A19. 15 Oct. 2001 Halliday, Fred. Two Hours that Shook the World. London: Saqi Books, 2002 Rothstein, Edward. â€Å"Attacks on U.S. Challenge the Perspectives of Postmodern True Believers.† New York Times. A17. 22 Sep. 2001.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Satirical Texts: Dead White Males & World of Warcraft Episode
Dead White Males DAVID WILLIAMSON Make Love not Warcraft SOUTH PARK (SEASON 10 EPISODE 8) INTRO The role and function of satirical texts is ultimately to expose the follies and vices that we see today in contemporary society. Satire may be effectively defined as a device used to highlight and the expose the failures of human nature in society.Two texts in particular, Dead White Males by David Williamson and a particular episode of South Park named ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ will be spoken upon, one satirising the follies in the educational system through a very arrogant and narrow minded aspect and the other ridiculing those people who play World of Warcraft. Satirical techniques such as caricature, understatements, situational irony and characterization are all used to effectively satirise and expose human vices and hypocrisy. WoW CARICATUREThroughout the Southpark episode ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ it is evident that it caricatures the stereotypical heavy Worl d of Warcraft players. Through the use of caricature we are able to understand that the social roles of those who partake in the digital game reach a point where they do not leave their keyboard. In this particular text the four main protagonists become increasingly obese, lazy and unsocial. Give an actual example of one of the characters. Explain the caricature – their exaggerated physical attributes and the exaggereated aspects of their personas as WoW players.The follies of the digital world are intemperately exaggerated within the text so as to highlight and reinforce the absurdity of the social and physical sacrifices made by some people in the real world in order to be part of the World of Warcraft. A very visible example of this within the text of ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ is where one of the main protagonists, Cartmen, suggest that they sacrifice all but three hours of their day in order to level up their characters for the following seven and a half weeks in order to face their rival.This is a clear technique of caricature and parody as they reenact what some might do in the real world. DWM CARICATURE In contrast, within the text of ‘Dead White Males’ there is much dramatization surrounding the traditional roles of males and females. Shakespeare argues that from the moment of birth it has been in a males nature to wear boyish clothes and play with toy cars, and in a girls nature to wear skirts and play with dolls. In response to this Swain argues that Shakespeares’ theory was incorrect, rather it was society that had invented the nature in which males and females should act.Angela Judd, the main protagonist in the play questions her grandfather Col on the topic of her father Martin Judd, unemployed and supported by his dominant wife Sarah. Angela quotes: â€Å"He didn’t fit the traditional male role did he? †In return Col argues: â€Å"If you can’t stand up for yourself you sink, male or fe male. †This particular quote by Col reinforces the theory of Swains’ that the way in which males and females were taught to act, this links to the satirical technique of caricature.There is also an element of Inversion within this as the characters have been given opposite roles in order to ridicule. The social roles and behaviours of Angelas’ parents are ridiculed as her mother is portayed as dominant over her father. WoW UNDERSTATEMENT Another satirical technique that is used almost always throughout the South Park series is an understatement. Defined as being the opposite to exaggeration it may be used to address something very casual in a serious manner.An example of this is found midway through the ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ episode whereas one of the main protagonists, Cartmen, addresses his friend Butters in quite a threatening manner, quoting: â€Å"Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer and join the online sensation b efore we all murder you. †This example of understatement links directly back to the technique of caricature, once again highlighting the absurdity of their immoral social behaviour when on the topic of World of Warcraft. DWM CHARACTERIZATIONThroughout the text of ‘Dead White Males’ there is a bitter satirical comment on many of today’s familiar poses of sexual and political rectitude, it also conveys the topics of deconstruction in human nature and the nature of male and female relationships. Grant Swain, a university lecturer takes our attention in both the first and second scene by lecturing us on his subjective views of society and literature. The satirical technique of characterization (THIS IS CARICATURE) portrays Grant Swain as very opinionated, an intellectual fascist who’s goal is to indoctrinate not educate.As the story progresses there are many stereotypes that are formed showing Swain in a very negative light, one of these stereotypes inc ludes that he is an ageing and belittled university lecturer who wishes to achieve a patriarchal and charismatic figure amongst his younger students. It is therefore clear that Grant Swain is used in order to satirise the vices of the educational system. WoW SITUATIONAL IRONY Situational irony, which is also commonly used throughout the South Park series is simply when something happens and as a result the reversal of expectations may occur.Cartmen once again reappears and as before mentioned suggests that the four of them continue to play and level their characters sacrificing all but three hours of their day to the game in order to face their rival, someone who is considered to have no life. Cartmen then quotes: ‘What do you say guys? You can just hang outside in the sun all day tossing a ball around or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters†To the viewers amazement, they do so, linking to the element of Situational Irony and once again back to car icature as their their social behaviours’ alter for the duration of their involvement with World of Warcraft.DWM SITUATIONAL IRONY In contrast, Grant Swain, being previously portrayed as quite opinionated is also characterized to the reader through the use of situational irony. In the first few scenes of the play Swain quotes â€Å"the dominant ideology has constructed a female stereotype†this also links directly back to the dramatization of the traditional roles of sexes. Verbal irony is shown soon after as Angela counters his theory quoting â€Å"your average woman may find swaggering macho master far more attractive than intellect†.This in turn sheds Swain in a negative light as being stereotypical, previously referring to himself as an ‘average woman’, satirising the hypocrisy of humans and in particular linking back to Swains characterization as an intellectual facist. CONCLUSION All things considered through both texts ‘Dead White Males ’ and ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ we are able to understand that the roles and functions of satirical texts in contemporary society are crucially important and particularly illustrated through the use of satirical techniques.
Monday, September 16, 2019
How Do You Define Success?
Success is defined differently by different people. For some, success means becoming rich, for others reaching high social position. Everyone has his / her own definition of success. Depending on how you see the world, your definition of success will differ from others. However, achieving success is far from easy. Depending on the definition of success, it can be achieved through many ways and come in different forms. Nonetheless, whether small or big, success in any form carries the same worth as long as people continue to strive for it.There are many different ways to achieving success, you should just consider which way is the most appropriate for your desired results. Perseverance also plays a role, if you are willing to put in the effort; you will achieve more success and thus will be more satisfied in the end. To achieve success you should never give up. There is no use in just waiting for wishes and dreams to come true. Success can only be achieved if people learn from their m istakes.You never come close to success unless you experience failure. Believe me; you can embrace success if you only believe in yourself and your abilities. Moris Meterling said, â€Å"People are born of their thought, so think positively. †In short, no matter what situation you are involved in, in order for your goal to be achieved, you must always give your best effort, persevere, learn from your mistakes and believe in yourself. The most important thing to remember is that all you achieved is only to your benefit.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
What is a SWOT analysis?
SWOT Analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats. It is a strategic planning tool which is used by businesses and organization to set a comprehensible rationale of the project. [1]This analysis is not only aimed at analyzing the internal factors but it also scans the external environment. Strengths and weaknesses are usually taken as internal environmental factors while opportunities and threats are viewed as external environmental factors. It helps a company in formulating strategies and utilizes the firm’s resources in the accurate vicinity.Strengths would highlight the areas where investments should be made to further enhance the product or service and make it as a competitive advantage for the company, e.g. low cost. Weaknesses would tell a firm that improvement is required in a particular area, e.g. weak distribution network. Opportunities would define the areas which are not being targeted by the company and investing in that area would bring cha nces of growth and profit, e.g. an unmet customer need. There may be some changes in the external environment which can be a threat for a company, e.g. a new substitute product.[2] SWOT analysis should be performed for every area of the businesses and it should be repeatedly done for every market.What is its purpose in strategic planning?Strategic planning basically helps a business to set its overall objectives and then build a comprehensive plan to accomplish those objectives.[3] In doing so, SWOT analysis performs an important function by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and spotlighting the opportunities and weaknesses. Through this in-depth market analysis, companies can set their goals in the right direction.Do you have to conduct a SWOTT Analysis to have an effective strategic plan? Why or why not.Yes, it is necessary to perform a SWOT analysis for building an effective strategic plan. The reason is that it tells a company what has been done well, so as to focus in t hat area to earn higher profits. Then it highlights the internal harmful factors that can be improved by a company. Not only this, it gives insights for better opportunities in the market. [4] SWOT Analysis also informs about potential threats for a business. It is an immense planning tool that will help in building a winning strategic plan for a company.Week 2 DQ 2What are the key planning factors for competitive success?Key planning factors for an organization will differ from company to company. However, we can perform a general industry analysis, along with competitor analysis and macro environment analysis. These factors drive the strategy of a company, so it is important to understand then properly. For achieving competitive success, type of business must be taken into account. Some suggested key planning factors for competitive success are: ·Ã‚        Focus on strategic planning ·Ã‚        Right implementation of the strategyà ‚ ·Ã‚        Time management of the entire project ·Ã‚        Using project management techniques for effective planning ·Ã‚        Research and development ·Ã‚        Acquiring land and maintaining liquidity ·Ã‚        Well-constructed product ·Ã‚        Establishing efficient channels of distribution ·Ã‚        Providing after-sales support ·Ã‚        Communicating every decision to everyone in the organization ·Ã‚        Involvement of every employee in decision marking[5] ·Ã‚        Teamwork and Collaboration between all departments ·Ã‚        Following principles of EthicsProvide an example of an organization that has achieved competitive success through planning.An example of an organization that has achieved competitive success through planning is â€Å"Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬ . It is a leading nutrition and health company. They have diversified into new areas by creating value for their products. They were able to achieve that through long term planning by creating value for their shareholders, employees, consumers, and business partners. They strategically planned for the development of their research centers across the globe which is now one of their competitive advantages. Their entry into different countries and creating products with respect to the tastes and culture of that country was also a part of their strategic planning process. This planning is helping them to achieve their long term vision, i.e. creating shared value for society and shareholders.[6]Provide an example of an organization that has failed to achieve competitive success as the result of failed planning.An example of an organization that has failed to achieve competitive success as the result of failed planning is Hershey’s. It is a leading manufacturer of chocolates, confectionaries and beverages in United States of America. Hershey’s was in process of implanting an ERP Solution and they decided to choose SAP ERP. But this implementation failed and caused heavy loss to the company in terms of profits and sales. The reason was not any technical mistake by the vendor but poor planning by Hersey’s. They choose wrong time for implementation when business was at its peak. They made a blunder of restructuring the business process and changing it in a wrong way without doing strategic planning.They spend most of the time on ERP implementation which interrupted the day to day operations of the business, creating confusions for the employees. They might have avoided this issue if they remained focused and planned out all activities properly before implementation. They should have set their priorities in a strategic manner by looking at the business prospects from all angles.[7]B ibliography:What is SWOT Analysis(2010), Retrieved from Management(2010), Retrieved from Planning(2010), Retrieved from Lever (Dec 10, 2008), Retrieved from http://strategic-business Success Factors in Strategic Planning By Bill Birnbaum, CMC(2009) Retrieved from from ERP failures in Hershey, Retrieved from[1] What is SWOT Analysis(2010), Retrieved from [2]Strategic Management(2010), Retrieved from [3] Strategic Planning(2010), Retriev ed from [4] Roger Lever (Dec 10, 2008), Retrieved from http://strategic-business [5] Key Success Factors in Strategic Planning By Bill Birnbaum, CMC(2009) Retrieved from [6] Retrieved from [7] Analyzing ERP failures in Hershey, Retrieved from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Business and Support Systems Essay
The following paper answers questions on three different case studies. The case studies are Reality Gets Better, The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild and Piloting Valero with Real-Time Management. Case Study 1: Reality Gets Better The difference between virtual reality and augmented reality is perception. Virtual reality is when a user totally enters a different reality visually. This reality is completely computer generated. Augmented reality users enter a mixed world of computer generated and real life images. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) The reason augmented reality is so appealing to marketers is because it offers them a different way to present their products. The goal of marketers is to present their product in such a way that people will remember it, be impressed with it, and ultimately purchase it. Augmented reality offers this through a series of interactive ads that can be used to impress and involve the consumer. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) The reason augmented reality is useful for real estate shopping applications is it offers the buyer the opportunity to have an interactive view of a property that is up for sale without the hassle of making an appointment with a realty company. The ability to use a phone to get pricing information, and pictures of the interior of a property is a major time savor and very convenient. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) Based on what has been learned by this case study the applications for augmented reality are far reaching. A manufacturing company could use augmented reality to teach employees and to direct employees. Simply have the employee wear a helmet and they would not have to do much thinking on the job as they could be led to every correct decision. Augmented reality such as the real estate application could be used at the humane society to give clear pictures and understandings of the animals they have up for adoption. Case Study 2: The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild? The conditions that preceded the flash crash were a market that was already low and moving lower, concerns by investors over the debt in Europe and current worries over the economy. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) Some of the benefits of electronic trading include; far faster trading than a human being could do, ability to analyze the market trends quickly and change what is being traded, lower cost and the ability to have a more liquid market. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) The features that contributed to the crash would be the automated selling put into place to sell regardless of time or price. The other feature would be the high frequency traders designed to purchase what was being sold and then sold when the price was lowered. Finally the automated systems put in low offers that are so low they are not very likely to ever to be accepted. In the conditions created by the electronic trading, those stocks sold. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) Due to the programming of the automated systems this crash could have easily been prevented if humans were in control of the decisions that were made. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) They would have been able to set a better selling time and set the amount being sold. By doing the previous, none of the other events would have taken place. Case Study 3: Piloting Valero with Real-Time Management. When developing the new dashboard the issues that needed to be addressed would be making sure the dashboard was set to measure the appropriate items, making sure the system was able to send real time data and making sure executives, those at the refinery level and those at the individual level could view performance. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) The measures of performance that the dashboards display include; inventory management, safety, plant and equipment reliability and energy consumption. (Laudon & Laudon, 2012) Some of the management decisions that could be made by using these displays would include whether or not to purchase new equipment, whether a plant needs to change its energy consumption, whether or not a plant needs to have more safety training, and whether or not a plant needs more inventories. Valero currently uses a group decision support systems designed to link systems to corporate headquarters and each of the fifteen plants. Valero’s dashboards are very effective in piloting the company. As of 2009 a Valero executive said they were saving an estimated 140 million dollars a year in the seven plants that had the dashboard. He further said that they could estimate a savings of up to 240 million dollars once the dashboard was put into all sixteen of their plants. (Henschen, 2009) There would be no real point in developing a dashboard with information outside the company’s control. You cannot monitor events that you have no control over.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Twitter - Essay Example Twitter emerged as a side project for a number of board members at the blogging and podcasting company Odeo. The original inventors included Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone. The original name for the project was twttr. The first product utilization functioned within the Odeo Company, with the full version finishing development a number of months later ("The real history," 2011) . After the product was completed the original Twitter founders created Obvious Corporation and through investor funds purchased Odeo and all of its subsequent assets. In April 2007 Twitter spinoff from Odeo and became its own company. In terms of popularity the company gained perhaps its greatest boost at the Interactive portion of the South by Southwest festival; at this festival user-ship expanded from 20,000 to 60,000 (Picard, 2011). There were a number of early development elements that occurred throughout the product’s orientation. In large part the structural dimensions of the product have remained the same since its 2006 incarnation. Many of the early development elements occurred in terms of the company’s management and organizational structure. In 2007 co-founder Noah Glass was fired ("The real history," 2011). In 2008 Williams assumed company leadership in terms of becoming the chief executive officer and Jack Dorsey became chairman of the board. Williams would remain in this capacity until 2010 when Dick Costolo would assume the position. 2010 also witnessed a slight change in the company logo. Twitter has experimented with a number of modern development changes in the last two years. Perhaps most prominent among these is the inclusion of a trending sidebar that indicates the most popularly tweeted topics ("A visual history," 2011). Twitter has implemented this service as a means of advertising as specific companies are given the opportunity to have their subject of choice featured as a
Thursday, September 12, 2019
How to be a pilot Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How to be a pilot - Speech or Presentation Example Student Pilot: a person who learns how to fly under the direct supervision of another pilot (Hurst, 2013). Sport Pilot: a person who is only allowed to fly â€Å"light sport aircraft†Recreational Pilot: a person who is only allowed to fly aircraft of up to 180 horsepower and up to 4 seats. Such pilots are only allowed to fly during daylight hours unless unaccompanied by another certified pilot (Bjerke & Malott, 2011). Finally, a private pilot is the stage just before commercial pilot in which an individual is allowed to fly aircraft of over 4 seats and including engines much more powerful than 180 horsepower. However, in this stage, the pilot is still not allowed to accept any form of compensation for their services; thereby creating a type of restriction for the final stage of aircraft pilots; the commercial airline pilot. Each successive level of qualification allows for an individual pilot to accrue further hours and gain the skills necessary to become a more well trained pilot prior to moving on to the next stage of training and certification. The process of becoming a private pilot does not necessarily mean that the individual learner is somehow constrained to flying small planes. Rather, the private pilot certification allows for an individual to fly any plane regardless of size and regardless of the overall number of passengers that it is capable of carrying. The only restriction comes with regards to the fact that such a pilot is not able to accrue any level of profit from this activity; thereby increasing the need for further certification in order to ensure that the commercial airline pilot is as well trained and fully nuanced in the art of air travel as is possible. Naturally, any of these training mechanisms in and of themselves does not guarantee a particular result. Rather, they are intended as a means of successive levels to ensure that the individual pilot has completed the necessary training and is fully capable of ensuring that the nee ds of their crew and passengers are met Beyond the main classifications that have thus far been discussed, flight training and certification also hinges upon instrumentation certification and types of aircraft certification. These exist due to the vast differentials in knowledge that are required to adequately fly many of the technologically advanced aircraft within the current market. Whereas in years past it may have been simple to attain a level of flight certification and instrumentation/aircraft knowledge, the current era is one in which many different aircraft are produced around the globe and something of an innate lack of standardization exists. As a direct function of this, it is necessary for individuals to ensure that they are certified in the type of aircraft they will be flying and have had a level of experience with regards to reading and deciphering the instrumentation panels that these different aircraft represent. In addition to these requirements that have been dis cussed, pilots are also required to engage in regular knowledge tests that prove the current validity of the skill sets they have learned in the past. By engaging in such ongoing training, the FAA and other administrative bodies are able to regulate and manage those individuals that continue to possess pilot’s licenses. Moreover, within the process of gaining such certifications, hands on flight training is only one aspect of the process. As such, the individual
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Lesson Plan for Remote Sensing, GPS, and GIS Essay
Lesson Plan for Remote Sensing, GPS, and GIS - Essay Example However, with the introduction of geospatial technology such as remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and global positioning system (GPS), Social Studies can become very interesting to pre-collegiate students. In fact, â€Å"with data from satellite-based sensors becoming widely available, curricular and instructional opportunities are limitless†(Gaile & Willmott 2003, 411). This lesson is a basic introduction of geospatial technology itself, particularly RS, GIS, and GPS to the students in the K-12 educational levels using the simplest forms of explication and focusing on instilling in the students its correct appraisal in relation their subject Social Studies. II. Learning Objectives The use of geospatial technology has been of much use ever since it was developed and introduced. Government agencies involved in different aspects of national and social life use it to gather and analyze information, whether these are regarding the population, the weather, polit ics, agriculture, and other concerns. Because of this, it is imperative for teachers in K-12 social studies subjects to introduce spatial and geographic issues and to introduce students to the technologies to be used for these (Alibrandi & Moloney 2001). In doing so, the following may well be the objectives not just for the students who are the recipient of the education process but also for the teacher who delivers it to them. 1. To educate K-12 students in Social Studies about the basic features of geospatial technology, particularly Remote Sensing, GPS, and GIS. 2. To develop spatial thinking that may involve knowledge in orientation, scale, symmetry, and similar concepts. This will help students in â€Å"understanding change over space versus change over time and recognizing as understanding change over space versus change over time and recognizing patterns in data†(Schultz et al 2008, 27) . 3. To present the means in which the geospatial technology is applied in certain branches of science that are of vital importance to society and the country. 4. To teach students the importance of GIS, RS and GPS in enriching their learning experience in Social Studies and History, especially because events â€Å"occur not only in time, but in space, and expanding spatial understandings literally gives more dimension to simple historical understanding†(Alibrandi & Baker 2008, 8). III. Resources Needed Due to the obvious fact that teaching geospatial technology to K-12 students requires advanced resources too, it may be necessary to procure computers and the appropriate software. Schools are expected to have computers already though. Therefore what would be needed would be certain software for RS, GIS, and GPS. These software varieties may be available online already, which is why it is also imperative that the computers used for instruction should be connected to the internet. Using the internet-based maps or web maps can be considered as a good start b ecause these do meet the requirements in teaching geospatial technology and, at the same time provide teachers with instant geographic solutions to student questions and academic needs (Baker 2005, 45). Other resources that will be needed are as follows: 1. History and Social Studies textbooks corresponding to the grade level of the students being taught. 2. Printed maps or a globe 3. Software that may need to be installed to the computers that would be
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Fashion and Consumers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fashion and Consumers - Essay Example The essay "Fashion and Consumers" analyzes fashion and consumerism. The rules were established at the end of the eighteenth century: coat, trousers and vest, designed and constructed to produce a uniformly ideal silhouette and image for any man. A slightly wider lapel here, a fractionally narrower trouser leg there, is as much as most of us are willing to tolerate†(Boyer). From there, consumers influences the market of fashion because of their interest and needs during a period of time. decisions because it is as set of symbols and artifacts created by a society and handed down from generation to generation. From there, customer segmentation is important understanding consumer behavior so that marketers can know what they need to appeal to each consumer’s social class. Since customer segmentation is at the root of CRM, each business that performs CRM is ready to address the bigger question of deploying unique messages to the right customer at the right time. The booming CRM industry has provided the in-depth customer data that is vital for successful direct mail campaigns and integrated channel strategies focused on keeping and growing profitable customers. Data can become customer insight. Customer insight can become action. Action can grow the value of customer base and grow net income. Unlike women's hemlines, which seem to go from here to there in a blink, more than a half-inch taken or given anywhere in a man's wardrobe constitutes a revolution. The general thrust in menswear. since the beginning of the twentieth century has been to make the basic suit more comfortable: lighter-weight fabrics and construction techniques have reduced stiffness, heaviness and constriction. Men's tailoring today is positively airy compared to what it was before mid-century (Boyer). Social classes From there, social classes are likely to respond differently to a sellers marketing program. However, there are other situational factors that encourages consumers to purchase organic food such as store location and personal preference. Due to this fact, marketers may need to design marketing programs tailored to specific social classes so that that they can be more successful in understanding their customers needs without making mistakes. Customers have the ability to make a choice about what they want to purchase. Customers want excellent service from the companies that they patron and they want competitive pricing. This may appear to them that the company is weakening or is inconsistent. By communicating goals and strategy early on, the organization pays respect to customers and employees, and deals openly with uncertainty and doubt. (Baron, A. p. 13, 2006). Customer trends Customer trends change and so does their choices, which means people are generally tired of the same brands that they had been using over the years. When they do not see the expected innovation they migrate to new brands. With that, maintaining the standards of such a huge chain becomes feasible. However, when there is lack of quality service in one store it affects the whole brand. In order to overcome the issues, marketers of organic food need to consider group thinking and conformity so that everyone can work together. Working on a team can be very rewarding and exciting, but also frustrating if some of the team member are not committed
Global marketing management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global marketing management - Assignment Example Brand name of M&S is considered as a status symbol. In the past years results show that M&S has been one of the most successful companies in London stock exchange. The financial position of M&S is quite impressive and profitability figures are commendable. M&S holds a spectacular position in consumer market and is the ultimate choice of people (Karol, 1985) (Peter, 2011) states that Georgia is one of the most booming economies in Europe. The country showed a lot of promise in the economic sector as it moved from 112th to 18th position in the countries where business has minimal restrictions. Georgia has proved to be an ideal place for investment and thus World Bank depicted is as the supreme economic reformer of the world. Georgia has been historically famous for the business activities and currently they have done immense development in transportation sector so that business growth would be ensured. Every company requires some strong marketing proofs and financial proclamation to enter into a new geographical boundary. Hence to support M&S entrance into Georgia, different marketing tools and techniques will be applied to support the arguments. In this regard PEST Analysis, SWOT analysis, Porters five forces and Competitor Analysis will be applied. These models, tools and techniques will depict that whether M&S should enter into Georgia or not. PEST analysis is the primary marketing tool which illustrates various segments of a region and becomes an essential tool in the decision making of a business. PEST is an abbreviation of political factors, economic factors, socio-cultural factors and technological factors. Following are the deductions from PEST analysis. (Tbilisi, 2012) points out that the political situation of Georgia is very stable and encouraging. It’s a democratic state and laws have been made which guarantee the safety of foreign direct investment. The elections of October 2012 brought previous opposition to form new government
Monday, September 9, 2019
Global health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Global health - Assignment Example In the year 2005 alone, over 17.5million persons succumbed to cardiovascular diseases. This is a staggering 30% representation of deaths globally (World Health Organization, 2014). Deaths related to cardiovascular diseases is mainly common in developing countries and global health stakeholders need to improve healthcare systems in such countries. Malnutrition is another health issue that still needs to be eradicated globally and in particular, in the developing world. At the present, mortality rate among children aged 5years and below stand at 7.5million annually. This is a case whereby preventable measures may involve establishing efficient healthcare systems and funding to sustain such systems in the long term basis. On another note, infectious diseases is also causing headache to global healthcare stakeholders such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2008 alone, over 6.7 million persons succumbed to infectious disease. This prevalence rate is higher compared to persons who die from natural causes or other man-made catastrophes (Ney, 2012). HIV/AIDS is still a menace globally and new infections are reported almost on a daily basis. Much has been done to eradicate Tuberculosis; however, while the treatment is free, Tuberculosis is still a major cause of death in the developing world as a result of ignorance and lack of concerted effort from healthcare stakeholders in various countries, especially the developing world Malaria on the other hand, records high mortality rate among children aged below five years because a lack of primary prevention, and in particular, the Sub-Saharan Africa (Lavery et al., 2013). The solutions to global health problems require a thourough research by the major stakeholders. This allows the establishment of proper mechanisms or policies to deal with global health problems and avoid the mismanagement of funds channeled to solve the various global health problems. The
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